Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Parking Scandal Could Be The Biggest Thing Since The Yellow Lines Got Painted

In a scandal to be bigger than anything since the switching on of the town Christmas lights, the English town of Tewkesbury has suspended it's own parking attendant.

This move has led to parking chaos on the market town's narrow streets and residents have taken full advantage of the absence of an authority figure.

It is unconfirmed whether the whole situation has been cleverly devised by the disputed employee in an effort to get huge amounts of overtime sorting out the traffic mess when he is eventually reinstated.

'' This can't continue, the whole situation is a total nightmare'' , said one drama queen resident who had trouble retrieving her wheelie bin from the main road.

Not its not a nightmare, it's a mild inconvenience; a nightmare would be you getting a parking ticket, on your wheelie bin.

  • See this mild bit of fun and confusion here
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