Thursday, January 31, 2008

Saunter To The White House 25 ; The February Four

It quickly went from "we don't really know", to "we know who it won't be".

Obama, Clinton, Romney, McCain.

While Democrat leaning voters tie themselves in knots, deciding between a black man and a white woman (we're still hoping Michelle Obama will throw her hat into the ring and solve that dilemma), the GOP leaners have to pick either a used-car salesman, or Cold-War-Era-McCain.

In five days the results will be in and, hopefully, unless everything hangs on margins, we'll have a candidate for each party and democracy can be defrosted again. It was last seen being blast frozen by Dick Cheney late in 2001 and hung in a meat locker.

Tell The Truthiness ; Of course, the whole thing could be turned on it's head and on Tuesday everyone might vote for Ron Paul, wouldn't that be something.

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